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Business Meeting Minutes - January 2024

Knights of Columbus Council 7399

Business (General) Meeting

January 11, 2024

Call to Order - Grand Knight called Meeting to Order at 7:00.

Opening Prayer-Grand Knight led the Council in Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

Chaplain Report- (Father Andy on vacation)

Grand Knight Report

1)      Several Members have outstanding dues.  Plan in place to forgive 2 years of dues if they are 3-4 years in arrears.  If 2 years in arrears, the Knights will forgive 1 year.

2)      The next Social will be on Thursday January 25.  Will be a potluck as Ginger recovering from an infection.

3)      Thanks to Roger for getting BINGO receipts properly enumerated in the Parish Bulletin

4)      COR (Heart)-New Program—Grand Knight will start organizing ideas in February to get this Program started locally at St. Catherine’s.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Michael Gambone Reports:

1)      Balances as of December 31, 2003

a)       Council Account 1803-$2,764.95

b)      Money Market 4963-$3,107.15

c)       Charity Account 0010-14,234.61

d)      BINGO Account 3255-$3,427.35-4 checks not cleared as of 12/31/2023

2)      Calendar Year 2023 the Council executed 10 checks to the Church for a total of $45,000.

Financial Secretary

Financial Secretary Vanoy Counts Reports:

1)      208 Members

2)      3 gains no losses

3)      6 candidates in waiting (Grand Knight has a 7th)

4)      $550 received from Christmas Card Sales.  10-12 boxes left of English Cards; 14-18 of Spanish Version.

5)      $70 waiting from Church Credit Card Machine.


No Report

Community Director:

Dan Costello Unable due to outside appointment, however Grand Knight Lou Manz Reports:

1)      Free Throw Challenge Continues

2)      Tootsie Roll Drive-was planned at PUBLIX January 20-21—however, PUBLIX had been booked to dedicate that weekend (and week) to Special Olympics.  May have to postpone Tootsie Roll Drive this year.

3)      There will be a Mass for persons with disabilities on February 11(10:00 Mass).  Luncheon afterward.

4)      Challenge Enterprise Dance will be on Friday April 12.  Council has budgeted $250 for that event.

Life Director Report:

Dave Coughlin not present, however Grand Knight Lou Manz Reports:

1)      Dave has received forms from the Diocese that need to be completed regarding the viability of the organization that has been chosen to receive the ultra sound machine. Dave is working to complete the forms.

2)      Saturday January 13, Florida March for Life at James Weldon Park

3)      Tuesday January 16 Father Andy will be leading the Monthly Prayer for Life.

Hispanic Round Table:

Edgardo reports that he is contacting 30 or so regarding trying to put this Roundtable restarted.

Membership Drive at all Masses January 20 and 21.

BINGO Committee:

Cliff Plante Reports

1)      Last BINGO $434 Food Sales, $288 50/50, package sales $2082, 138 Participants

Prayer Chalice Transfer:

District Deputy Tom Scherch

1)      St Phillip’s Group Likely next recipient.

Degree Team:

Pete Sikora not present; however Grand Knight reports

1)      2 Live Exemplifications scheduled January 31 and February 7.  Determining which night the candidates will be ready.

Breakfast Committee:

Jay Heather Reports:

1)      December Breakfast successful.

2)      Next one Sunday February 4.

Rosary Initiative:

Grand Knight Reports:

1)      All Positive Feedback about the Rosary prior to the 5:00 and 8:00 Masses

Charity Committee:

Grand Knight Reports the committee will meet during February

Old Business:

1)      Coats for Kids-Tom Scherch reports 500 coats given away.

New Business:

1)      Grand Knight received notification from the Florida State Council about registration for the State Convention.

2)      Changes forthcoming on Charitable Processing.

Report of the 4th Degree:

1)      District Deputy Tom Scherch says Holly Ball very successful.  Net approximately $6K.  Very Thankful for all the assistance.  Next year will be hosted by Sacred Heart.

District Deputy Report:

District Deputy Tom Scherch Reports

1)      Spirit of Unity Tour-January 30 at St Luke.

2)      Fraternal Knight on January 25th

3)      District Free Throw will be at Annunciation Gym on January 27.

4)      Annual Audit Complete

5)      Still work to do to Make Council Goals.

6)      No Longer a suspension for failure to pay dues.

Good of the Order:

Grand Knight reports

1)      Family of the Month December-Tom and CiCi Scherch

2)      Knight of Month December-Xavier Crosby

3)      Knight of Month January-Cliff Plante and Chris Hutter

Solicitating suggestions for future Knight and Families of the Month.

Closing Prayer:

Grand Knight Lou Manz leads Closing Prayer

Meeting Adjourned at 7:49.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joel D Kendrick, Recorder


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