April's Council Message

We spend six weeks each year during Lent fasting, praying and almsgiving. We hope to unite our fasting and praying with Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and praying in the desert, to focus on preparing both our inner and outer selves to celebrate the great Easter feast. We give alms to identify with that great sacrifice of God giving His only begotten Son. With Easter on March 31 this year, I hope this finds that you had a very blessed celebration of this central Chrisan feast! Easter certainly brings thoughts of newness and renewal. We hope our fasng, praying and almsgiving renews our closeness to God.
As Spring setles in, I observe the many rituals of the season. I think of newness and renewal. Outside beds are prepared for new planng. I see the new blossoms on trees and flowers reaching full bloom, lengthening of daylight, and a rush of sounds and sights not seen for many months. Schoolchildren begin to count down the days to summer vacaon. Parents do the same counng down…perhaps without the joy of the children!
Spring seems to elicit looking forward.
As I look forward this Spring, I am renewed in my mission to meet with my members. I want to keep you apprised of any changes you might want to consider in your insurance program. I hope you will keep me apprised of any changes in your circumstances. Adjustments can be made to make sure that you are on the path to reach your goals.
The Order offers a diverse array of products and services to help you do that. Together we can complete or update your financial needs analysis. This can show where you stand and helps discover any gaps in protecon you might have. Our products: life insurance, rerement annuies, long-term care insurance and disability income insurance, are our core products to help protect you and your family.
I’ll call on you soon to see if it makes sense to arrange for a meeng.
Vivat Jesus!
